8 interesting facts about Shih Tzu breed:

8 interesting facts about Shih Tzu
- Shih Tzus are believed to have been originated thousands of years ago in China. In Chinese ‘Shih Tzu’ means ‘Lion (Shih) Dog (son)’.
- Centuries ago in China, Shih Tzus were known to be the palace-pet. For years, they have served the royal families as their guard-dog.
- Shih Tzus are also known as ‘Chrysanthemum dogs’ which explains their connection with the Chinese culture. Due to the ornamental and medicinal values of this flower, it has been a favourite of the Chinese people.
- After China, this breed was found in UK. All the shih tzus that we see today, are believed to be the generations of those 14 shih tzus that were imported to UK from China.
- Shih Tzu is a toy dog breed. They are adorable small size dogs. So if you live in an apartment and want to adopt a dog, shih tzu is the breed you should look for.
- Unlike your other family members or friends, a Shih Tzu will never leave you alone. He will follow you from room to room all day long. ‘My Shih Tzu stares at me’, ‘my Shih Tzu keeps following me’ – These are the common observations of a Shih Tzu pet-owner.
- If you are a fashionista and love to spend time in making your hair, Shih Tzu is a perfect choice for you to full-fill your styling fantacies. Shih Tzus have beautiful, shiny hair and they are such adorable doggies that you can dress them up with cute bows and hair-styles without them getting pissed. After all, all they need is your love and attention.
- Despite of having a beautiful double coat, unlike other hairy breeds, shih tzu dogs do not shred much.