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3 Month WoofBox Subscription Puppy Starter WoofBox 2,360.0025,488.00 inc. GST

6 Month Subscription

Original price was: ₹9,600.00.Current price is: ₹9,000.00. inc. GST

This WoofBox™ is a perfect treat to gift and pamper your dog. A box consisting of treats, gadgets, and toys will be your way of expressing your love for your canine. The box includes 4 – 6 gifts every month which will make your dog go crazy, we call it “going Bonkers”. These gifts are products which can be used for daily purposes and other products like dog food, toys, gadgets etc making this the perfect gift for your pup.

Based on your dog’s personality , our team will sniff and dig around some tail-wagging toys, accessories, grooming products and healthy treats exclusively for your pooch. Selection of four or more approved products will be put in our WoofBox™ and then hand delivered to your loving pooch starting 15th of the coming month.  You may choose to renew the same or opt for a longer subscription that gives you greater discounts and better surprises.

WoofBox™ is delivered with Guarantee! if you or your pet don’t like it. We will send you another WoofBox™!

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The items in the box are completely safe as your dog’s health and safety is of utmost importance. Once subscribed to, the items of the box are kept as a secret from you because the happiness of opening the box with your dog and finding such amazing products is something you will always cherish. The products included in the box will help your dog in aspects like health and stimulation. As you avail this service on the web, payment can also be done online which is completely safe as the privacy of every customer is an important factor. The information shared is encrypted by secure socket layer technology (SSL).